Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leaving Again!

Sorry guys, but I didn't get to finalize the space camp pictures in time to post them on my blog before I go to Michigan to visit my grandparents. It's the vacation season and my parents are DEFINITELY taking advantage of that. Well anyway, when I get back I will get the pictures from space camp and Michigan posted on here.

Anyhow, just a little update on Wiz 101: I was training in dungeons in mooshu to get experience and level up, well during the shirataki temple when I beat wavebringer and got a pet thunderbat! They hatch in six hours and mine was automatically named madame sparky, I have also advanced from level forty three, to level forty seven! One more level and I get a pet helephant and BOB THE MAGIC DRAGON (the fire dragon spell). I made Shadow an adult and bred him with an orthrus named prince milo ,(not mine, I am a pyromancer), unfortunately, orthrus and ianthine spectre make another ianthine spectre, at least for the person with the spectre, the person with prince milo probably got another orthrus.

Well, I'll get back with you guys in about a week with a truckload of pics.

Keep Casting!

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